A New Renovation Programme Based on FinEERGo-Dom in Poland

The investment financing model FinEERGo-Dom has become the basis for launching the Polish National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water (NFOŚiGW) priority programme “Renovation with a guarantee of savings EPC Plus”. It was presented in detail during a meeting with the Covenant of Mayors Signatories in Poland on the 13th September 2021. Mr. Michał Kurtyka – Minister of Climate and Environment, representatives from the Polish National Energy Conservation Agency (KAPE), and the Polish Development Fund were among the key participants of the event.

Building upon the energy performance contracting (EPC) concept, the aim of the new programme is to support investments improving the energy efficiency of buildings. Under the umbrella of the Horizon 2020 FinEERGo-Dom project the first pilot investments in deep thermomodernisation of buildings will be carried out using standardized processes, contracts and the digital platform – SUNShINE developed during the first phase of the project.

See NFOŚiGW full press release