New Mechanism for Comprehensive Renovation of Public and Multi-Family Residential Buildings IntroducedFree Consultations for Pre-feasibility Studies AnnouncedBlagoevgrad Municipality With an Approved ProjectFive Stories From Five Countries (Final Conference)SHAREs meets FinEERGo-DOMInnovative Financing Schemes for Energy Efficiency and SavingFinEERGo-Dom at the WSED 2023FinEERGo-Dom Blending with Innovative Energy SupplyScaling Energy Efficiency Investments in Multifamily BuildingsAn interview with Ms. Naniova – Executive Director BACC & H2020 SHEERenovExperience with the SUNShINE Platform from SlovakiaSUNShINE Platform Connects Beneficiaries, ESCOs, and Financial Institutions in PolandAustrian Green Investment Pioneers Programm & FinEERGo-DomSUNShINE Platform from now available in RomaniaSUNShINE Platform Perspectives in BulgariaSUNShINE Platform has been launched in Austria!The first call for applications for the Priority Programme has been launched in PolandA New Renovation Programme Based on FinEERGo-Dom in PolandColor your buildingFinEERGo-Dom Introduced at the Austrian Green Investment Pioneers ProgrammeFinEERGo-Dom in Search for Synergies with the H2020 REFINE ProjectThe Bulgarian FinEERGo-Dom Partner Joins Forces With 11 other Organizations in an Effort to Improve the National RRPAn Interview with Mr. Ognian MarkovskiNFOŚIGW signed a cooperation agreement with Polish Development FundFinEERGo-Dom in the MediaAEA and BIG chat about energy savings and the FinEERGO-Dom projectFirst official training event for ESCOs and Financial Institutions in BulgariaFinEERGo-Dom outlined in an interview for the “Noblesse Oblige” magazineMeeting in PolandSofia Meeting October