Author: finee


FinEERGo-Dom in Search for Synergies with the H2020 REFINE…

On the 24th of June 2021 the Austrian team of the FinEERGo-Dom project participated in a stakeholder workshop organized by the office for Energy Efficiency Services and Contracting Austria (DECA) in cooperation with the Horizon 2020 REFINE-Project. The topic of the workshop was refinancing models.

Refinancing models can be an interesting business opportunity. Different models were discussed that allow energy service providers to gain financial leeway for new projects and business growth. Selling receivables was an important topic during the workshop. Participants of the workshop were able to get some insight into initial experiences of the FinEERGo-Dom project with forfaiting in Austria.

Members of the REFINE-Project team gave a short overview of the project and explained how the refinancing of energy services work in practice. Basic concepts and case studies where presented. Furthermore important contractual arrangements for the refinancing of energy services was discussed and an overview of standardized contractual modules where given.


The Bulgarian FinEERGo-Dom Partner Joins Forces With 11 other…

The Bulgarian partner in the FinEERGo-Dom project – Econoler S.A., together with 11 other organizations (companies, NGOs and consultancies), issued an official Declaration in an effort to initiate a revision of the Bulgarian Recovery and Resilience Plan (RPP) at a time when the newly elected Parliament contemplates over the possibility whether to revise or submit the plan to the European Commission.

The Declaration points out that a number of opportunities for successful green recovery and transition are missing in the RPP developed by the outgoing Government. Among those are the utilization of ESCO, on-bill-financing and white certificates mechanisms; deep renovation approach; monitoring and control of energy savings; and digitalization of the buildings stock.

Continuation of 100% grant schemes, especially in reference to the energy efficiency in multifamily buildings program, and lack of design and deployment of blended financial instruments is highlighted as a major weakness in the RPP. Without mobilizing private sector funds the RPP support will cover just 1 400 multi-family buildings of the 66 865 that require rehabilitation.

The Declaration initiators offered their full support and readiness to actively participate in working groups if the Parliament opts for a revision and improvement of the RPP. The full text of the Declaration can be viewed below.

Full Declaration


An Interview with Mr. Ognian Markovski

We managed to take an insightful interview from Mr. Ognian Markovski, Chief Expert EE & RES at Bulgarian Sustainable Development Agency (SEDA). Learn more about:

  • ESCO during the years in BG
  • How FinEERGo-Dom analysis drove changes in BG Energy Efficiency legislation
  • BG #deeprenovation strategy and #FinEERGoDom


NFOŚIGW signed a cooperation agreement with Polish Development Fund

On December 18th our FinEERGo-Dom partner NFOŚIGW signed a cooperation agreement with Polish Development Fund that will allow for the implementation of pilot investments in Poland under FinEERGo-Dom project. The ceremony of signing the MoU Agreement was with participation of Mr Michał Kurtyka – Minister of Environment and Climate.

“The multi-family housing sector still has enormous energy savings potential, but to unlock this potential, mobilization of public and private funds is needed. The investment model with ESCO participation is a very good tool leading us to achieve this goal” said Minister Kurtyka opening the event.

Find out more here or view the event:


FinEERGo-Dom in the Media

FinEERGo-Dom project was well presented in the new issue of the Builders magazine. One of the main points that were touched in the article was about the multiplicative effects that this family of financial instruments can play in implementation of National Long-Term Building Renovation Strategies, substantial part of the European Green Deal.

The concept, which roots are in the Latvian Baltic Energy Efficiency Facility (LABEEF), is now expanding into 5 other countries – #Poland, #Slovakia, #Romania, #Bulgaria and #Austria and has the ambition to provide successful investment and facilitation practices through Investment Guidelines, EPC templates, and the online platform SUNShINE.

Read more HERE.


AEA and BIG chat about energy savings and the…

Austrian Energy Agency (AEA) and Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft (BIG) chat about energy savings and the FinEERGO-Dom project

The Austrian Energy Agency and Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft (BIG) are exchanging information on the subject of energy saving contracts in the course of @FinEERGo-Dom project. We are happy to share essential statements of Mr. Luckerbauer who is working on savings contracts at BIG.

Austrian Energy Agency (AEA) and Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft (BIG) chat about energy savings and the FinEERGO-Dom project.


First official training event for ESCOs and Financial Institutions…

The Bulgarian FinEERGo-Dom team joined forces with another EE H2020 project – QualitEE, to create synergies and amplify the benefits of both projects. The QualitEE project aims to increase investment in energy efficiency services in the building sector across the EU and improve trust in service providers. Inspired by the LABEEF guidelines, as Ekodoma is a member in the original Sunshine project, QualitEE also promotes a set of standards. This includes developing quality assessment standards and implementing quality assurance schemes. Additionally, FinEERGo-Dom seeks to establish an innovative financial mechanism with project quality through standards being one of its pillars, which makes the synergies between the two H2020 projects evident.

The training event took place at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Sofia University to take advantage of the well developed administrative and academic body, and strong business community network. – the business arm of the faculty, is well known for regularly organizing trainings, events, conferences and seminars, related to energy, utility and facilities domain. They publish two of the highly reputed professional magazines in Bulgaria – “Utilities” and “Facilities”. The Bulgarian Alliance for Energy Efficiency (AEE) – a NGO of ESCO companies, was also invited to support and take part in the event.

The event was announced two weeks in advance through, AEE and LinkedIn networks. Agenda with brief project descriptions, and supporting materials were made available to potentially interested parties.

The FinEERGo-Dom financing mechanism is known in Bulgaria due to the activities of the Bulgarian Energy Efficiency Fund (BEEF) that offers a similar, yet more basic and form of financing. The familiarity of the attendees with similar financial instruments proved to be highly helpful as it made it easier the FinEERGo-Dom mechanism to be explained through the lens of BEEF. In addition, it was very interesting for the trainees to understand the key differences between the two mechanisms.

Real world project examples sparked vigorous discussions and invoked high levels of trainee’s engagement. A comparative study between three cases – a renovation realized with the use of FinEERGo-Dom/ESCO mechanism, another renovation realized by the homeowners themselves, and a third case in which no actions were taken, received a lot of comments and opened great discussion in the areas of different payment structures, attractiveness of the value proposition for different stakeholders, differences and similarities between buildings stock in Bulgaria and Latvia. Secondly, it was noted by the practitioners that Latvian case studies were of a smaller scale in terms of investments and size of the renovated panel buildings. While going through the presented bill of quantities, some comments about price levels were also made In the end, some building renovation case studies were discussed as well as the financial mechanisms that had been used to implement these projects.

Another key topic that raised a lot of questions was the legal framework in Bulgaria and the findings of the legal analysis conducted by the local FinEERGo-Dom team (delivered under WP4). Some of the attendees confirmed that they have experienced difficulties and problems due to the legal framework inefficiencies identified and highlighted in the FinEERGo-Dom report.


FinEERGo-Dom outlined in an interview for the “Noblesse Oblige”…

FinEERGo-Dom was pointed by Kiril Raytchev, Chairman of the Alliance for Energy Efficiency (NGO of ESCO companies), as a key enabler for the development of the ESCO market in Bulgaria in an interview for “Noblesse Oblige” – the magazine of the Bulgarian Industrial Association. In addition, the ESCO framework was presented as a sustainable and scalable mechanism that could be used for attracting investments in realization of energy efficiency measures and quality of life increase in Bulgaria.

You can download the interview from HERE.

Or read online HERE.


Meeting in Poland

Warsaw – On 12th June, the Polish National Energy Conservation Agency (KAPE) held the Kick-Off Meeting of FinEERGo-Dom (Financing scheme for Energy Efficiency and Renewable energy Guaranteed in Deep renovation of building stock) EU-Funded Horizon 2020 project.


Sofia Meeting October

Sofia – On October 15-16, ESEB, STAGE AI and Econoler had a successful two day meeting delineating further platform development.