Multi-stakeholder digital platform

D 3.1 Concept paper

D 3.3 Report on public support days


Replication of existing Guidelines and corollary templates

D 4.1 National Context, Legal and Regulatory Framework Analysis

D 4.2 Report EPC+ Part I


Structuring demand

D 5.1 Evaluation of EE Potential

D 5.2 Pipeline report including the first potential buildings for the Pilot project

D 5.3 Facilitation Process Methodology and Report

D 5.5 Recommendations and Conclusions


Our marketing materials

Project Brief


FinEERGo-Dom Brochure

Marketing Materials Report

D 6.4 Marketing Materials

D 6.7 Final Report

The Matryoshka buildings game

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There is often the case when building renovation benefits and specifics are not well understood by residents of multifamily buildings, sometimes leading to comic situation. That’s why one of our objectives under the FinEERGo-Dom project is to design and replicate across Poland, Austria, Romania, Slovakia and Bulgaria an easy to follow, clearly explained and digitalized facilitation process that will lead our communities to safer, healthier and more comfortable homes.