There is a great potential in Slovakia for the implementation of energy efficiency projects in the public and private sectors. The biggest opportunities are mainly buildings, but also areas such as lighting, production and distribution of heat and cold. A large number of buildings has been partly modernized with the help of grant support from EU funds, state support programs, or dedicated funds and support tools some banks.
Slovakia is the first country in the European Union to have legislation prepared under the Eurostat rules, which allows to start preparing new guaranteed energy service (GES / EPC) projects without impacting public debt. EPC contract template for public sector came into force from 1. February 2019. The goal is that this template will ensure that public sector entities are in a position to comply with the requirements of the guaranteed energy service contract as set out in the user guide drawn up by the European Investment Bank and Eurostat and thus that the obligations under this contract should not have an impact on the amount of the debt of the public sector in a uniform methodology valid for the European Union (up to now, investment in energy efficient technologies implemented by EPC has been part of the public debt, which has hindered municipalities, towns and state organizations from their realization). Also, public entities (i.e. municipalities) with limited own capacities won’t have to prepare the full contract in line with Eurostat rules individually, they should only use model contract and adjust relevant parts according to their specific conditions.
FinEERGO-Dom project represents an opportunity due to the fact that the main legislative instrument in the field of energy efficiency, the Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU, sets out the objective of renovating public buildings within the meaning of Article 5 of the Directive, with a particular focus on government buildings, where is stated that each Member State shall ensure that 3 % of buildings with a total floor area over 250 m 2, owned and used by central government, are renovated annually to achieve at least the minimum energy performance requirements. Slovakia has set a target of 52.17 GWh of annual savings in the public buildings sector. The total floor area of the central government buildings is 4 370 709 m 2. Similarly, the Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU sets out the objective of the energy savings target for the final consumer within the meaning of Article 7 of the Directive, that each Member State must ensure that annual energy savings of 1.5 % on energy sales by energy distributors or suppliers are achieved. The Slovak Republic set a target of 948.75 GWh of annual savings for the final consumer.