On the 22nd of June 2021 the second expert workshop took place within the framework of the Austrian Green Investment Pioneers programme. The topic of the workshop was different forms of financing. One of the main objectives of the Austrian Green Investment Pioneers Programme was innovative finance concepts. Experts were invited to this workshop to present a small selection of the possibilities and to discuss them with the interested audience. Ms Michaela Seelig from the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) mentioned in her opening words the importance of innovation forms of financing within this programme. Mr. Christian Kaltenegger, head of office for Energy Efficiency Services and Contracting Austria (DECA) presented the general concept of energy contracting as well as their challenges and advantages. Mr. Andreas Hirtl (a member of the FinEERGo-Dom Austrian team) from Austrian Energy Agency (AEA) introduced the forfaiting and its relation to energy saving contracting which is one of the main objectives of the project FinEERGo-dom. Mr. Rainer Bacher from Environment Agency Austria (UBA) spoke about financing of projects, especially their characteristics and structure, as well as a distinction from corporate finance and project finance.