SUNShINE Platform Connects Beneficiaries, ESCOs, and Financial Institutions in Poland

One of the key results of the FinEERGo-Dom project is the digital platform SUNShINE, which supports stakeholders involved in the building renovation process.  The platform was developed under another Horizon 2020 project (SUNShINE) and now FinEERGo-Dom partners have developed it further. The main task of the platform is to link all parties involved in the renovation process of multi-family buildings.

Users of the platform in Poland can be both beneficiaries of the “Renovation with a guarantee of savings EPC Plus” programme and ESCOs that have access to buildings entered in the platform. Both parties can more easily establish cooperation through the SUNShINE platform.

The FinEERGo-Dom team in Poland is currently testing the platform as part of the first pilot investments in thermomodernisation of multi-family buildings under the Priority Programme of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. If you are a potential ESCO interested in cooperating with Programme Beneficiaries, you can already check the buildings uploaded in the Platform.

Interested parties are invited to get acquainted with the Platfom

For more information email to Ms. Anna Mazur here: