Experience with the SUNShINE Platform from Slovakia


SUNShINE platform was also launched in Slovakia. The platform, a useful component for refurbishment and renovation of the buildings using EPC method, offers continuous and reliable monitoring of planned and actual energy consumption to organizations, businesses, owners and residents which now have the opportunity to register and use the platform.

The team of the FinEERGo-Dom project is supporting all phases of the EPC project – from planning, implementation and maintenance of the renovation and monitoring of the energy consumption of the renovated buildings.

The platform offers storing all relevant project documents, protocols, plans, meeting reports for registered users, which can view and use these data as need be.

All project documentation, for example construction plans, energy consumption data or minutes of meetings, can be stored on the platform. Registered and approved organizations and companies can then view these documents and information.

Feedback from our partners

The platform was presented and demonstrated at online and personal meetings with various stakeholders, at the advisory committee meeting and during trainings.

Some of the feedback from our partners:

  • all partners concluded that the platform with its functionalities can be a useful professional tool, however it is necessary to add some more input information about the energy data,
  • enhancing calculations possibilities can be an additional benefit
  • one comment was that the definition of the savings should be based on the official energy audit.
  • there was a recommendation to include the consumption of electrical energy, as current platform offers to the user only EPC projects with the measures for saving thermal energy, not electricity as well (eg. measures including photovoltaic panels installation, modernization of lighting system, installation of EMS, etc.
  • one disadvantage of the platform the participants see is its complexity, structure, which is often complicated and not easily understandable.
  • for a new user, it is a little complicated to find the tables for entering the energy data, as it is hidden in the Annex IV.
  • consumption of domestic hot water is measured in MWh or kWh, not in m3 anymore, therefore this should be included in the platform. The data must be provided according to billing meter readings or on the basis of energy suppliers’ billing invoices.

The platform will be used for the pilot projects, the relevant stakeholders will register in the platform and actively use it.

For more information and collaboration opportunities, please contact us here: info@mattig-management.sk