The SUNShINE Platform is a stakeholder project management tool designed to refine and guarantee the implementation of energy efficiency measures in the renovation of buildings.
The launch of the SUNShINE Platform is key to facilitating the process of the renovation works as it provides guidelines for Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) to define the Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) model with their clients. It aligns the different stakeholders involved across the entire value chain through standardization, efficiency, and transparency. This feature increases economies of scale and decreases costs and risks for owners and investors. The SUNShINE platform in conjunction with the BEEF (Building Energy Efficiency Facility) business model aims to be a benchmark for deep renovation models. Within the SUNSHINE Platform there are four main entity types: Users, Organizations, Assets, and Projects. The relationship between these entities is fundamental for the good functioning of a renovation project. This platform has been developed under the European-funded project FinEERGo-Dom (2019-2023). Within the project, the financial mechanism BEEF developed in Latvia will be replicated in the following European countries (www.fineergodom-eu): Austria, Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria.
For more information, please check: https://sunshineplatform.eu/ or get in touch with our point of contact for Austria here: Naghmeh.Altmann@energyagency.at