The SUNShINE online platform for deep renovation of multifamily buildings, financed by the FinEERGo-Dom project was officially launched in Bulgaria in the beginning of 2022. The SUNShINE platform makes it possible for all Bulgarian stakeholders, active in the energy efficiency sector, e.g., energy service providers, households, financial institutions, investors, municipalities, etc., to manage their building renovation through an array of services:
- optimally organized for increased transparency for all stakeholders processes, comprising the building renovation project, e.g., feasibility study, project financing, implementation, measurement and verification, etc.;
- tools for benchmarking and financial assessment;
- a rich collection of standardized contract templates, e.g., energy service contracts (EnPCs), forfeiting agreements, maintenance appendixes and the like;
- measurement and verification modules, helping for automating the assessment of the guaranteed energy savings, defined in the EnPC;
- numerous reporting modules suitable for advanced usage on a portfolio level. For example, municipalities can monitor and assess their building stock;
- platform localization (already available in Bulgarian);
- multilayered security access;
- Continued development for more services in the coming months.
Quite recently, Bulgarian Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) has been accepted by the European Commission. Hardly one can imagine a more suitable time for SUNShINE appearance in Bulgaria since a great deal of the “green” objectives, set in the plan, can be facilitated through platform’s tools and services.
According to the RRP, nearly BGN 1,50 billion (EUR 0,75 billion) are planned to be allocated for renovation of multifamily buildings in the course of the next four years. Main stakeholders involved in accomplishing this task include municipalities, condominiums, construction companies, and financial institutions. There will be a preparatory phase for condominiums during which energy audits and other documents necessary for application for financing under the RRP will be prepared. Next comes the approval process by the municipalities, financing by financial partners and/or energy saving companies, implementation and, finally, monitoring of the archived targets. A pretty complex process, prone to errors and difficult to control effectively.
With its library of processes and opportunities for orchestration and control, the SUNShINE platform is in the position to provide answers to the challenges that the RRP faces in Bulgaria – scaling quickly the number of renovation projects while preserving the high quality of their complex management and strict control. For example, municipalities can review online submitted documents and provide feedback/instructions to applicants, financial partners can pre-validate applications and advise on the project structuring, each household can track the progress of the renovation project for its building, etc. At every step, all stakeholders are on the same page and corrective measures can be applied quickly, avoiding unnecessary delays and frustrations during project execution.
Monitoring and reporting features also come handy under the RRP. Besides the possibility a whole portfolio of buildings in the area of a given municipality to be tracked, the SUNShINE platform is fully equipped when it comes to facilitating the implementation of the ESCO business model in terms of contract templates, measurement and verification routines, etc. The RRP foresees that 20% of the investments may be provided by the energy service company (ESCO) for applications submitted after April 2023. The household can repay the investment with the achieved energy savings, which are guaranteed by the ESCO company. As a consequence, repayment capacity of the household is “insured” by the ESCO.
The SUNShINE platform exhibits a versatile design optimized for orchestration of deep renovation projects. The platform can be used by project aggregators, funds, banks and the like, everyone interested to manage their energy efficiency project portfolio in a coherent and transparent manner. For any queries that you may have, get in contact with FinEERGo-Dom partner in Bulgaria – Mr. Kiril Raytchev here: kraytchev@econoler.com
Try SUNShINE today: https://sunshineplatform.eu/